ATLANT – Platform Blockchain Real Estate World

Atlant Handles two of the most important issues in real estate with a decentralized blockchain platform: Tokenized Ownership and Global P2P Rentals.

The concept of making houses available and its proximity to people is tremendously important and is uniquely what all individuals need to explore all forms of rest. The understanding that having a house or accommodation is so important to the human race that every human must have a place to rest his or her head after a long day of work or outing. The Altant platform is creatively involved and put together by its team to enhance the availability of housing units in a subsidized and valued chain paradigm for which all users, investors and token holders can in a decentralized fashion have access to good and affordable accommodation. This is the norm in which Altant platform and structure hopes to provide at all cost. Concurrently, the effective nature for which Ethereum blockchain technology sequence is fathomed on the foundation for growing tremendous nature of creating financial reliable and reliance on its decentralized plain. The exciting nature for which getting affordable and accessible accommodation is defined on the parameters and prospects for exciting model of housing units.

The value units for which Ethereum coins and its values is definite and is collectively a process of making housing units and accommodation realistic for the average man. The design framework and nature for which token values are developed and sequenced on the value of making money through token coin values available and subsequently predefined on the available growth rate for which the token value collates and is evident for having good accommodation. This exciting factor is the bedrock foundation driven on the construct for harnessing and making housing accessible, presentable, treasureable and nominal in a challenging world for which gaining access to quality and quantitative accommodation tends to be a daily challenge for the teaming world population at large. This fact is has presented the dynamic nature for which getting a piece of property is made easy through the decentralized platform application of token values and its financial enablement that shapes the growth of coins for have quality amount of monetary resource in owning a property. It is therefore built into the feasibility growth structure and niche for which all token coins grow in valuable sequence. This sequence is the blockchain technology bedrock created for all Altant users and most importantly dependent through the trade sequence and is comprehensively adequate in fusing together the idea of token ownership and equivalent housing unit value. This is what been a benefactor of the Altant platform provides for existing and old users. It is the proverbial adage for all Altant users and token holders when real estate is concerned.

Furthermore, the Altant sequence encourages more purchase of tokens and increased coin ownership that helps to equip the owners more real estate options. This options are available for all token holders in navigating through the decentralized sequence of owning more real estate in real time cut across the whole world. The Blockchain system approach for which Ethereum token and it value change only increases in value for which all real estate benefits are enshrined and enjoyed in the veins of using tokens to understand and explore this options via Altant framework.

Tokenized Ownership
List of real estate tokens representing shares in individual real estate assets and their liquid trades in transparent and orderly markets with price discovery.

Rent P2P
Significantly reduce costs for lessees and lessors & minimize the possibility of fake reviews and fake ratings, which override existing centralized services such as Airbnb and Booking.

Asset ownership or lease agreements are secured by blockchain technology, which provides decentralized data storage.

Price Discovery
Real estate assets are respected and freely traded on the exchange of digital assets, ensuring transparency and price discovery.

Investments are denominated in a shareable token, allowing users to diversify their asset holdings and invest with a modest portfolio size.

Buyers and sellers can trade property tokens without causing substantial price changes in assets.

Low Cost
Overhead is eliminated and the user pays a much lower commission on both the purchase and rental transactions processed through smart contracts.

Completion of transactions and assessments confirmed on the blockchain and can not be changed after made to eliminate disputes and improve the efficiency of the real estate market.

Details of ICO


Started: August 1, 2017

Expires: August 19, 2017

Price for PRE-ICO: 1 ETH = 1010 ATL

Total Token: 5,625,000 ATL


Started: September 7, 2017

Expires: October 31, 2017

Price for ICO: 1 ETH = 505 ATL

Total Token: 315,000,000 ATL


Token Symbol  :     ATL

Standarted Token : ERC20

Total Suplay         : 375,000,000

Token Distribution Structure








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