Artex Art Project

I am going to describe today technology which is already well established in many areas of our lives, and continue to not only help us faster and more convenient to organize their time and space, but also does not cease to surprise us.
In this connection, I would like to draw to your attention the Artex first global platform of art objects and luxury on the basis of block Ethereum. The developers are familiar with well thought-out and ergonomic site project.
I will designate the importance and timeliness of the project, so a few words about the modern market skills.

Modern trends in the development of the world market do not bypass and the party and art works. A large number of creative direction, art becomes more and more individuals and expressions, and thus becomes even more massively and claimed. Painting, drawing, sculpture, photography - everyone will be able to find the embodiment of their wishes and claims. And, of course, every year becomes more and more people who want to invest in works of art, it is not one of the arts market shows stable growth. There is a general consensus that investing in works of art is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also extremely profitable direction.

However not all so clearly. As is well known, the market of art often invites imitations and copies of famous and not very works of art, and the natural desire of the investor to earn a better deal sometimes pushes on the spontaneous decision. Should the investor be expert in the world of arts? Prefer to trust the opinion of an expert third party? But, as shows the time and practice, even this is not able to guarantee the authenticity of the art object and the cleanliness of the transaction. At the same time, a variety of private monopoly community information on the subjects of art and luxury, which has a negative impact not only on the material, but also the cultural-historical values. A special place occupies the digital photography; being extremely popular, it still remains outside of the replicating and copyright.
So in the 21st century we are unable to preserve and protect the value of cultural objects? The solution was quite simple and affordable - Platform ARTEX. The idea of developers of experts in the field of contemporary art market, together with the best specialists in the field of IT-technologies, the platform will allow to solve the challenges that now the market is already unable to cope. The basis of ARTEX platform technology - block which will give an opportunity to realize in this project the main goal is the establishment of decentralized roster of art objects and luxury. The main idea is not just to keep track of, and collect information that will be stored openly always has each member of the decentralized community, without the ability to change the history and deals with the art object and other information that will allow in any moment ascertained the authenticity and true affiliation subject of art, all of this connects the notion of провенанс. For the formation of the registry keys will be attracted dealers, galleries, artists, photographers, collectors, investors, the largest exhibition. Each participant of the platform must be verified.
The first global platform of art objects and luxury ARTEX, implemented on the technology block Ethereum, will guarantee the safety of the transaction through The Cмарт-contracts.
Of course, will be solved the problem of the protection of copyrights, as creating a record on the platform of the art-object will be confirmed by the author, including the ability to create a limited print runs and track the path of the sale of each copy.
To perform any act can be through your favorite gadget, simply installing the application.
Familiar with the phases of the crowdsale in the Whitepaper project in English and other languages
The crowdsale will occur within the framework of The Ethereum ecosystem on the basis of The smart-contracts.
Tokens Details
Token Symbol = ART
Token Price : 10- 13 ART = 1$
Token Total Supply : 250,000,000
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As the owner of the tokens Art-token, you become part of the cultural community. Adding in your art object, you get the right becomes full and sole author of your works, sell them, use the services of experts and appraisers. You can become an expert and receive remuneration for their work. As well as get the opportunity to receive the right to copy and replicate the unique images.
Investing in the creation of the platform for the token Art-token provides an opportunity in the future to make purchases and sales of art objects, using the tokens Art-token that is not only attractive, but also safe.
Thus, the platform ARTEX writes The провенанс of works of art in the блокчейн, allowing investors and collectors to receive information about exhibitions, sales, watch expert estimates, the index value and more using a simple mobile applications.
You should begin now, and less than 10 years each cultural value will have its individuality, and members of the ARTEX platform will be guarantor of the history of culture throughout the world.
How system will work check some on content Below.

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